Dirt Weekly Logo

Info & Rules

Starting March 5th, we're kicking things off with the Weekly Qualifiers. Each week consists of the Discovery Event and a Hunting competition. The qualifiers run for 8 consecutive weeks, with the last week's discovery starting on April 23rd and the hunt lasting one week until April 30th.

The top 32 players with the highest points from both the discoveries and hunting competitions in the qualifiers get invited to participate in the Invitational. The Invitational stage starts one and a half weeks after the Qualifier ends on May 3rd at 1pm (CEST).

Time Table

  • Qualifier Start - March 5th, at 8pm (CEST)
  • Discovery Event - From March 5th, every Wednesday at 8pm (CEST)
  • Last Discovery Event - April 23rd, at 8pm (CEST)
  • End of last Hunt - April 30th, at 8pm (CEST)
  • Invitational Start - May 3rd, at 1pm (CEST)

In between the discovery events, the server will be open to anyone looking to hunt and socialize with the community on the latest track. Happy hunting!

1 The Qualifier

From March 5th, the Weekly Qualifier and the Discovery event starts every Wednesday at 8PM (CEST), an hour after Cup of the Day and can be found in the Dirt Weekly room in the Evo Esports Club. It will last for about 30 minutes and makes up 50% of the available points counting towards qualifying for the Invitational.

The Qualifiers last 8 weeks and serve as a way for participating players to collect points towards the seasonal leaderboard. During the Qualifiers you're able to collect points in two ways: The Weekly Discovery Event and the Weekly Hunt. It should be noted that participation in the discovery event and in the hunt are not coupled to each other but participating in both gives you an advantage of course. If you manage to qualify in the top 32 out of this stage you will be invited to partake in the Invitational.

1.1 Weekly Discovery

Upon joining the server there will be a warmup giving the players a chance to learn the map. The Warmup length depends on the asserted difficulty by Dirt Weekly staff for each week's map. After the warmup, you will be faced with 15 rounds on the map that will be played out with the goal to collect as many points as possible. First place for each round gets 500 points, where each drop in placement gives ~3% less points.

Note that we deliberately chose not to include knockouts so every player regardless of skill level can participate in the entirety of the Discovery event. After the Discovery event, a player's earned points will be added to the Qualifier leaderboards!

1.2 Weekly Hunt

After the Weekly Discovery event, the Weekly Hunt begins and will grant the remaining half of the available points for the week. Players participating in the hunt have one week to get their best possible time on the map.

During the hunt, we will leave the server on for you to play and socialize with the rest of the participants until next discovery kicks off. We will conclude each Weekly Hunt in our livestream watching the top 5 best records and after that the leaderboard is locked and points will be distributed.

1.2.1 Points

The points of the Weekly Hunt will be mirrored from that week's discovery event.

E.g., if Palli wins the discovery event with 2345 points while Joe comes in last place (48th) with 1000 points, the winner of the hunt now gets 2345 points, while 48th player on the map's leaderboard will then be granted 1000 points.

Placing lower than last place from the Discovery event in the Weekly Hunt grants no points!

1.3 Qualifying

To qualify for the Invitational you need to be placed top 32 in the leaderboard, which combines points from both the Weekly Discovery event and Hunt. The current standings are always available on the Leaderboard!

2 The Invitational

The Invitational stage starts on Saturday, May 3rd at 1pm (CEST).

2.1 Format

The matches will be played in a single elimination bracket. Every match features 8 players, using Cup Mode (with Finalists) with a points cap of 300. The points repartition in these matches is as follows: 25, 20, 16, 14, 11, 9, 7 and 5.

Each match the top 4 seeds present can pick 1 map out of the available 8 in seed order that will be played in that match. Each map will be played for 3 rounds (if necessary rotating through all maps several times), with no warmups after map changes.

2.2 Brackets

  • Quarter Finals

    4 groups of 8 -> top 4 move on.

  • Semi Finals

    2 groups of 8 -> top 4 move on.

  • Finals

    1 group of 8 -> top 4 will be played out.

3 People behind Dirt Weekly

This tournament was organized by Linden, Joe and Palli from the Evo Dirt Server team.

Thanks to Evo eSports e.V. who supported us along the way with it's invaluable resources and hosting. We would also like to thank everyone involved for taking care of administration, design of the revamped Dirt Weekly logo and support with design aspects.

Powered by Hetzner

Thanks to Hetzner for powering the tournament with their affordable and powerful servers!

Looking to host your own high-performance gaming servers without compromise? Check out Hetzner's Cloud, Dedicated Servers and their Server Auction here!


And we can of course not forget our wonderful mappers, which we would like to give a huge shoutout for providing this season's maps! At the links below you will find links to their Trackmania Exchange profiles with all their latest tracks!

Dirt Weekly LogoEvo Logo

Brought to you by Evo eSports e.V and its Dirt Server team

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Powered by Hetzner