We're pretty sad to tell ya'll that the match recording bugged out and as a consequence this match cannot be counted towards the leaderboard :/ Many apologies. 💔 The Dirt Server Team
Name | Time | Points |
Sqlc. | 47.178 | 6000 |
Venn.jpg | 47.202 | 5820 |
SparkTheYoofer | 47.236 | 5640 |
miles.TM | 47.245 | 5460 |
JaffaPadawan | 47.303 | 5316 |
Rh3torique | 47.356 | 5172 |
CatBagasm | 47.371 | 5040 |
Sleepyhead212 | 47.377 | 4908 |
Novu. | 47.380 | 4788 |
Flueffel.dpk | 47.392 | 4680 |
Liffey. | 47.397 | 4572 |
indiedriver | 47.403 | 4476 |
Marius89.. | 47.422 | 4380 |
InfernoTM. | 47.426 | 4296 |
mshk_frede | 47.454 | 4212 |
RotcatXBOX | 47.465 | 4128 |
sophie.ice | 47.470 | 4056 |
bozbez | 47.471 | 3984 |
Marijntje04 | 47.497 | 3924 |
TheRenoFella | 47.534 | 3864 |
jdon. | 47.553 | 3804 |
Mericle_ | 47.556 | 3744 |
Javas.. | 47.558 | 3696 |
Oddass | 47.563 | 3648 |
iocto._. | 47.572 | 3600 |
Insanity.TM | 47.599 | 3564 |
HUGH_JAN0S | 47.600 | 3528 |
CleanColeDrive | 47.610 | 3492 |
pupel... | 47.626 | 3456 |
Killian_. | 47.627 | 3420 |
Tanto.22 | 47.633 | 3384 |
kopro. | 47.645 | 3360 |
Sombot | 47.652 | 3336 |
Epos. | 47.682 | 3312 |
Letzter_ | 47.688 | 3288 |
L1ngotm | 47.702 | 3264 |
Berree. | 47.713 | 3240 |
Az0xTM | 47.716 | 3216 |
NuPrime_TM | 47.735 | 3192 |
Firestorrm_tm | 47.773 | 3180 |
Marlor-TM | 47.812 | 3168 |
NLBS_ | 47.826 | 3156 |
Halo-TM | 47.839 | 3144 |
nyoomNeko | 47.848 | 3132 |
Kopatych.xDD | 47.860 | 3120 |
DamnedLight | 47.860 | 3108 |
Import_TM | 47.874 | 3096 |
DubbyTM | 47.882 | 3084 |
noiszia | 47.905 | 3072 |
LubiAs | 47.905 | 3060 |
r.fresh | 47.905 | 3000 |
Yeims. | 47.921 | 2820 |
Franaah | 47.927 | 2640 |
adam_isto | 47.931 | 2460 |
Yann.TM | 47.935 | 2316 |
Mana_TM | 47.935 | 2172 |
thechalk_ | 47.941 | 2040 |
Cinn007 | 47.958 | 1908 |
Bandj. | 47.984 | 1788 |
br4MMO | 48.016 | 1680 |
KNACKII-U.U- | 48.027 | 1572 |
HavoccTM | 48.041 | 1476 |
confy. | 48.047 | 1380 |
pupel.... | 48.062 | 1296 |
DrShnizzle | 48.074 | 1212 |
Philipp_bct | 48.110 | 1128 |
Tommie._ | 48.127 | 1056 |
Zeemuis | 48.157 | 984 |
MouldySlippers | 48.189 | 924 |
Fatinho-_- | 48.203 | 864 |
MagnusCG | 48.217 | 804 |
woujo | 48.229 | 744 |
NauuTM | 48.232 | 696 |
eggs_TM | 48.268 | 648 |
Quibz.-. | 48.278 | 600 |
Jolypop | 48.307 | 564 |
AR_Down | 48.337 | 528 |
Gibbonster. | 48.347 | 492 |
v3lv | 48.361 | 456 |
M4STER_0F_MET4L | 48.369 | 420 |
Uphox96 | 48.370 | 384 |
BoltDaPotato | 48.376 | 360 |
Barns118 | 48.379 | 336 |
Physh_ | 48.382 | 312 |
quizziNN | 48.416 | 288 |
ft-rj | 48.423 | 264 |
Kwakzalver | 48.462 | 240 |
Bimy.. | 48.470 | 216 |
Guigzxr | 48.496 | 192 |
Crazyioan1985 | 48.523 | 180 |
Walter.White.Co | 48.525 | 168 |
singerous. | 48.529 | 156 |
MKCHICKWIT | 48.588 | 144 |
karmv. | 48.632 | 132 |
LeftIsFaster | 48.677 | 120 |
CapDemir | 48.710 | 108 |
Uffdyr | 48.711 | 96 |
zimzalabiiim | 48.800 | 84 |
OopsNoBrain | 48.820 | 72 |
Arxavin | 48.824 | 60 |